Design Services for Strabane Public Realm
The Strabane Public Realm project is for the implementation of a high public realm within the Strabane Town Centre. Derry City and Strabane District Council is the Contracting Authority. The appointed Consultancy Team is required to: i. Prepare a comprehensive and detailed public realm strategy and outline proposals to concept design (RIBA Stage C), for Strabane Town Centre and the town's main entry points reflecting the ambition to build on what has already been achieved. The scheme should reflect the aspiration to achieve a stylish, unique and contemporary design which complements the town and its established status as the market town of the District. ii. Prepare an Economic Appraisal in accordance with the Northern Ireland Guide to Expenditure and Evaluation (NIGEAE) for the development of a public realm scheme for Strabane Town Centre, including the town's main entry points, in sufficient detail to support potential funding bids to various sources, including the Department for Social Development, Department for Regional Development, and Strabane District Council and/or its post RPA successor. iii. Undertake the detailed design (RIBA Stage D); submit the planning application for the public realm scheme for Strabane Town Centre and the town's main entry points, and obtain the appropriate consents iv. Undertake the Technical Design (RIBA Stage E) and outline the phasing of the scheme. v. Produce full design production information (RIBA stage F) vi. Work with Strabane District Council and its funders to procure the Integrated Supply Team (IST); vii. Appointment of the Integrated Supply Team. viii. Undertake the management and delivery of the approved public realm scheme for Strabanes Town Centre and main entry points in one or more phases.
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1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors