Design team for the refurbishment of the kitchen (Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle de Londres, South Kensington site)
Procurement of a multi-disciplinary design team for the refurbishment of a commercial kitchen. The purpose of this tender is to select the team capable of carrying out the project of the refurbishment of the main kitchen of the South Kensington site of the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle of London, as described in the technical specifications/brief. The team will have to carry out the project from RIBA Stage 4 to Stage 7. The project had already been started and the Stage 1 to 3 are already completed (see other documents attached to the tender). The new team selected by this tender process will have to make the decisions with the Lycée regarding some technical aspects that hadn’t been decided yet. Moreover, this team will have to carry out the electrical and structural surveys required to finish the Stage 4 and to start the works on site. The Lycée has also decided to include an option for a temporary kitchen. The team will have to propose a solution for this temporary kitchen running during works on site, to prepare and deliver warm meals to the pupils and staff of the Lycée. This solution will be discussed with the Lycée and then it will be decided if this option would be included.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors