Design Team Services (RIBA stages 4-6)
1. Project Background It was identified that the Parish would benefit from a more focused heart to Marden village and as a result proposals for the site were developed which included the provision of a new village green and Community Centre. The site for the village green and Community Centre will be gifted to the Parish under a section 106 agreement linked to Outline planning permission for the New House Farm development site. 2. Planning Status Proposals for the Community Centre and village green were submitted as a Reserved Matters Application - No. 201008. The application forms the basis of the design for this appointment. 3. The Appointment Marden Parish Council is looking to appoint an Architect led design team for the completion of the Community Centre project. It is open to the format and structure of the team provided all activities for the completion of the build are included. As a minimum, remaining stage activities are likely to include (but not limited to): RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design) RIBA Stage 5‐6 (Construction & Hand Over) RIBA Stage 7 (In Use) 4. Construction Approach The Parish Council has an aspiration for the project to be delivered to a fabric first approach, ideally using the AECB Building Standard. 5. Project costs Outline project cost plan has been developed at RIBA Stage 3. Indicative budget in region of £500,000 to include all fees, surveys, construction costs of building and carpark, landscaping, eco features and contingency. The Parish Council will need to take out a loan to meet this figure and has limited potential to extend this figure, so both the design and construction approach will need to be refined and optimised to meet the project objectives, though the Council will be open to the possibility of suggestions for items of self/community finish or the potential to go out for further donations both within the building and landscape work. As part of this submission, the tendering teams are asked to provide an outline project cost plan to show how this could be achieved. 6. Tender Submission Requirements For full details of Tender Requirements and application for tender submission envelope from Parish Clerk by 30 November 2020, e‐mail: parish.clerk@mardenherefordshire‐ Tender submissions should be submitted by 12 noon on 31 December 2020 by sealed tender in submission envelope requested from Parish Clerk.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors