Develop and Construct - Appointment of Integrated Supply Team - Ballycastle Shared Education Campus - ref MA17-0000D425 (2022)
The Project is for the provision of the design, supply, delivery, receiving, off-loading, setting into position, fixing, erection, building testing, commissioning and finishing in every respect of the proposed new shared facilities at Ballycastle Shared Education Campus. The project will include full construction works, mechanical and electrical services, external and site development works, phasing, demolition, phasing and decanting to provide the following accommodation- New core educational building (the Campus Building); New Sports Building (incorporating a new EA Youth Club and indoor climbing facility); 4 multi-use games courts and Sports’ Wall; full size synthetic Hockey pitch with floodlighting; and comprehensive car and bus parking all on the current Ballycastle High School site. New 6-changing room Sports’ Pavilion; 1 multi-use games court; full size synthetic GAA pitch with floodlighting and spectator standing area; full size synthetic Soccer pitch with floodlighting; EA Youth Service Outdoor Storage Building, with EA Grounds’ Maintenance Store Building adjoined; car parking and dedicated EA Youth Service storage compound, all on the current Cross and Passion College site The schools will remain in operation in their existing facilities until the new Campus Building is constructed.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
45214000 - Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors