
Developing and piloting an advanced chef development programme (Applied Ability Awards) at Senior Ch


What we are looking forAn organisation to develop and pilot a learning programme to train chefs. The target market is chefs with at least five years experience in industry, qualified or working at level 3, and aspiring for promotion to senior positions.Background•There is a shortage of skilled chefs working in Wales. There are not enough new chefs entering industry to meet the skills challenge and not enough chefs progressing to the highest level. We need to find ways to raise and/or broaden the skills of chefs in work and at college.•There is also evidence that chefs in senior positions, lack a range of leadership and management skills.•The Applied Ability Awards (Triple A) is a work based development programme targeted at chefs in work. It was initiated by the British Food Trust, and developed with a wide range of chefs. Please see for further details•Triple A has three levels. The first two are called ‘Foundation Chef’ and ‘Chef’. These are broadly positioned at NVQ level 2 and 3 respectively. The final level is the ‘Senior Chef’ level. The first two levels are now established development programmes. •The Welsh Assembly Government has identified hospitality and food as a skills priority sector. We are seeking to develop a learning programme that learning providers across Wales can use to support employers in training chefs to move into and develop within senior roles and, by implication, be able to achieve the Triple A Senior Chef programme. •As a result of this training, chefs will be able to demonstrate higher level craft skills, professional judgement and personal attributes to take responsibility for the management, performance and development of others.Our aim•We are seeking to develop a training programme that can be delivered flexibly to industry ‘on’ and ‘off the job’ with appropriate learning resources to support both the learner and the employer. •The programme will be assessed at the workplace and end testing and examinations will also be a key component. The main target market is chefs in senior positions. These chefs may or may not hold recognised qualifications at or above level 3. However, they will all have spent at least five years working in an appropriate ‘level 3’ position or above •We are seeking to develop a training programme that can be delivered flexibly to industry ‘on’ and ‘off the job’ with ‘on line’ resources to support both the student and the employer. It is intended that the programme will be assessed at the workplace and end testing and examinations will take place at designated examination centres. The target market is chefs in senior positions with or without recognised qualifications who are aspiring to gain industry led recognition of their higher level skills and those who have already successfully achieved the Triple A at chef level.Please note:The focus of the learning programme is to help chefs at a senior level and at a transitional point in their professional development, which provides employers with a tool to best target their decision making and investment, or provides successful candidates with the means to evidence their suitability for further advancement. However this is the ‘broad starting point’. The appointed contractor will need to clearly define the target market (e.g. the ‘type’ of business that is most likely to benefit (size, location, etc) and the ‘type’ of chef (e.g. level 2, 3, size of brigade, etc). investigate the precise content of the programme which could include e.g. craftsmanship, leadership, communication, planning and management or other factors that support the successful development and delivery of the programme. For clarity, we have no pre-conceived ideas as to:-what the programme should contain other than that it should show progression from the Triple A ‘Chef’ level (equivalent to level 3 NVQ)-how it should be delivered -how long it should take-whether it should combine distance learning with face to face delivery (or whether there is scope for both. Our main requirement at this stage is that the final programme will be endorsed as fit for purpose in developing chefs at level 4 and capable of delivery by learning providers in Wales regardless of location.As part of this work, the successful contractor will also compare the programme to existing qualifications targeted at chefs at this level (e.g. foundation degrees) to understand whether there is scope to improve the qualifications that currently exist or develop a new qualification. The contractor will also recommend whether there is scope to use the programme as part of a higher level apprenticeship.Specific objectives for this project•Identify the target audience (establishment and individual) that are most likely to benefit from the programme using tools and techniques (such as a skill scan) that assesses the suitability of the candidates.•Define the content of the learning programme in terms of learning outcomes, curriculum, delivery methods, etc. Do this through research with employers•Develop the learning programme and pilot it with a minimum of 24 learners (we envisage three groups of eight learners during the course of the project), allowing the contractor to modify the programme at each stage.•Develop a sales and marketing plan to promote the programme to chefs and employers and to support colleges and learning providers in delivering the programme•Compare the programme to existing qualifications targeted at chefs at this level (e.g. foundation degrees) to understand whether there is scope to improve the qualifications that currently exist or develop a new qualification. In addition, recommend whether there is scope to use the programme as part of a higher level apprenticeship.Outcome and ImpactKey outcomes at the completion of this project are:a) Chefs who – having taken part in this pilot project - are able to demonstrate a higher level of technical and craft skills and additional skills in leadership and management. (b) A development programme that:•has been approved by industry (as a minimum through the testimonials from participating chefs and employers)•has been tested and amended to meet the needs of its target audience•can be delivered by learning providers across Wales(c) A marketing plan to support colleges and learning providers in delivering the programme (d) A full evaluation of how the development programme maps to and has the potential to form part of a national qualification or a learning programme at level 4 (at a minimum both a Foundation Degree and a Higher Level Apprenticeship)


Published Date :

8th Aug 2010 14 years ago

Deadline :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


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High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors