Developing spatial indicators of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the UK.
1 Introduction and summary of requirements The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act in 2008. The CCC has been commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to conduct the Fourth UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA). This will assess the risk the UK faces from Climate Change across society and the economy and the potential adaptation actions that could be taken. We are looking to conduct this assessment at as narrow a spatial level as possible. 2Background The CCC is currently collecting evidence and preparing its advice for the Fourth Climate Change Risk Assessment Independent Assessment (CCRA4), due for publication in 2026. This will look to assess the risks the UK faces today and in the future. It will also look to update the priority scoring of risks from CCRA3. It will assess adaptation actions that can be taken to reduce these risks. A key output the CCC is looking to produce for CCRA4 is the assessment of risk by household, business and local area/community characteristics. This project is looking to build the evidence of vulnerability under these three categories to facilitate this assessment. We require a contractor to produce a vulnerability dataset to be used within CCRA4 commissioned and in-house analyses. This dataset will be a key input into our research and will need to give an up-to-date spatial mapping of key vulnerabilities to climate change impacts across the UK and an indication of future vulnerabilities. 3Aims and Objectives The CCC is looking to generate a database of indicators of vulnerability against climate change risks (as identified by CCRA), geographically mapped across the UK (including the Devolved Administrations (DAs) of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and inhabited islands). The dataset should capture the key characteristics of households, businesses and local communities/economies that could drive vulnerability to the risks identified in CCRA3. These include: *** See Specification for more detail ****
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