Development and Validation of a Safety Culture Model and Survey Instrument for Assessing Safety Culture within the UK Nuclear Industry
The deliverables of this research are: A model of safety culture which builds on the Harmonised Safety Culture model comprising of several dimensions, each supported by several attributes that have been validated as measures of their respective dimension. A validated survey instrument structured on the model's dimensions and attributes. The scope of the services is the suite of research activities necessary to meet the research objectives. It is the responsibility of the preferred bidder to determine the research methods necessary to deliver research outcomes. The preferred bidder will therefore be required to produce a research proposal outlining as a minimum: 1.The research objective and research questions 2.The scope of the research 3.The research design 4.The timeframe 5.The resources required The research design should include as a minimum: 1.The requirement to undertake a literature review 2.The steps to be taken to develop and validate the model (dimensions and attributes) 3.the steps to be taken to develop and validate the survey instrument The validation techniques adopted should meet commonly agreed standards. The preferred bidder is required to provide progress reports and invoices to a pre-agreed schedule.
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