Development of a standardised website within the South West region GP practice estate
NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I) National Commercial and Procurement Hub are supporting NHS E/I South West Region in a programme to enhance website offerings within the South West region GP practice estate. The programme aims to develop a standardised website which can be rolled out amongst the c.500 practices in the region. To support this, a questionnaire exploring various options has been posted at NHS E/I are seeking to engage with organisation(s) to deliver 3 phases of a programme in the SW region: - User research - Standardised website development - External communications The vision for the requirement is to ensure that any Citizen (User) across the SW region has the ability to access a standardised GP practice website which has a UX design focus, is intuitive to use, highly responsive and highly accessible to the many different users who chose to visit. The vision is for a website design which encourages a channel shift towards digital solutions and away from telephony contact. The use of existing and new online tools should be encouraged (repeat prescriptions / online consultations etc) through the finalised design. This questionnaire is designed to explore the market capabilities in relation to NHS E/I requirements. Information gathered will support the next steps in strategic development for this programme, including the identification of suitable routes to procurement.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors