Development of a UK Verification Standard and Guidance Update for Ultraviolet Irradiation Disinfection of Drinking Water Supplies
The aim of this project is to develop a validation standard for ultraviolet (UV) irradiation for disinfection and update existing guidance on the use of UV for water treatment. The Drinking Water Inspectorate published guidance on the use of UV irradiation for the disinfection of public water supplies in 2010, and this guidance was reviewed and updated in 2016. The guidance and validation standard is intended for use primarily by public and private water suppliers within the UK. The current guidance document provides information on the design, operation and monitoring of UV irradiation as a process for the disinfection of public water supplies intended for domestic or food production purposes. The guidance may also be appropriate to the disinfection of waters analogous to public water supplies, such as unregulated or private water supplies. The objectives are: 1.Conduct a review of current US and European validation standards and verification techniques. Search the grey and published literature for up to date evidence on the use of UV irradiation for the disinfection of public and private water supplies, including an evaluation of good operational practice. 2.Develop a prospective UK validation standard that can be used when installing small or large UV disinfection systems (public and private water supplies). 3.Amend the current DWI guidance, to maintain up to date technical relevance and ensure that the guidance is consistent and fit for purpose.
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CPV Codes
41110000 - Drinking water
31515000 - Ultraviolet lamps
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors