Development of an evolutionary study, director plan and management plan that is centred on the range of industrial and maritime heritage assets located along Liverpool's iconic waterfront
The Local Enterprise Partnership is one of nine partners participating in the Military, Maritime and Industrial Atlantic Heritage Project. The project is funded through the European Development Fund (ERDF) and runs to June 2020. This tender specification sets out the key deliverables for the development of an evolutionary study, director plan and management plan that is centred on the range of industrial and maritime heritage assets located along Liverpool's iconic waterfront. It also sets out the scope of requirements for the delivery of the final plans and specifies the timescales within which the activity must be completed. The Military, Maritime and Industrial Atlantic Heritage Project (MMIAH) is funded through the Interreg Atlantic Area ERDF programme and will run for three years and commenced in July 2017. The project has nine city partners from the UK, Northern Ireland, France, Republic of Ireland, Spain and Portugal. The specific objectives of the project are focused on the recovery and rehabilitation of abandoned military or industrial heritage sites relating to the sea for tourism and the benefit of local communities. Comprising 7 work programmes, the project will fund a programme of research and development activity to establish those sites that offer the greatest potential in this regard. It will also support the creation of operational and maintenance plans for each city that will help support the detailed development of the assets that have been prioritised. Through a range of pilot intervention plans, the initiative will also support projects in agreed locations that will encourage local resident engagement in local military, maritime and industrial heritage (MMI), as well as repurposing them for tourism. Finally the project seeks to develop best practice for the development of MMI and at its conclusion, will have established a joint use-planning model and management model that can be transferred and implemented in other cities.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
73220000 - Development consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors