Development of Community Micro Enterprises
Community Micro-Enterprises (CMEs) are small, local businesses which offer services to support older people, people with a learning disability or autism, people with a disability or people that want to improve their mental health and wellbeing. CMEs offer an alternative approach to traditional commissioned services and give people more choice and control about the care and support they receive through both support at home and support getting out and about in the community. By providing a wide range of local small-scale and highly personalised support, CMEs can play an important role in supporting the local health and care system to delay or prevent the need for statutory interventions and services. Further, they can help to build connected and resilient communities, promote social cohesion and support the local economy by bringing more people into work. Kent County Council (KCC) have been working with the external provider, Community Catalysts CIC since May 2022 to develop CMEs in Kent. The development of CMEs aligns with the vision and objectives set out in the 'Making a Difference Every day' strategy and KCC's 'Framing Kent's Future' strategy by offering opportunities to deliver a new model of care. There is also a strong alignment with Think Local Act Personal and Social Care Futures work. CME's also contribute towards the new Care Quality Commission assurance process on local authorities to evidence how the council ensures equitable choice in care. To achieve the vision for CMEs and the outcomes associated with self-directed support, the most appropriate way forward is to bring the CME development service, currently provided by Community Catalyst CIC, in-house. This would enable the Council to retain the experience and expertise, which have been developed jointly by the Council and by the current provider. The award of contract enables the Council and provider to allow all necessary consultation with the affected staff and to facilitate the transfer under TUPE.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312000 - Social work services without accommodation
Status :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors