Development of data solution to streamline programme activities
At present the programme data we work with is captured, held, and analysed over a variety of systems. These systems have been developed "piecemeal" as the programme developed and grew, each new system having different purposes and functions, most requiring manual entry. This has made the data management burdensome, difficult to manage, limits its usefulness, increases risk of error and may impede future programme growth. We appreciate the need to put in place, efficient, simple but robust systems that streamline processes to facilitate workload, so that we can support the spread and adoption of our programme [ESCAPE-pain]. We are looking for advice and support to simplify and streamline these processes by identifying (low/no code) systems that will increase efficiency and accuracy of data collection, collation, analysis, and reporting. Specifically, we are looking for help, advice, and support to: Develop simple efficient processes to provide a clean interface that reduces time and effort spent collecting, collating, anlaysing and reporting the data we collect The system(s) must: - be reliable and easy to maintain (no/low code proprietary solution) that people with limited data anlysis skills can use - should have automated capabilities - able to easily export data in order to comply with data regulations
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1 Possible Competitors