Development of Riverside Travellers Site, Queensferry - re tender
1..Ground clearance to start by removing all existing build-up of waste collated and thrown over fencing.Waste to be disposed of separately.2..Steel fencing and gates to be installed on the site as opposed to the current installation of concretekickplates and wooden fencing. Steel fencing will provide future management and site conditions to bemaintained a lot better. Clear visibility of anything thrown over the fencing will be visible. This will alsofrom a hygiene point be a lot healthier as it doesn’t provide rats the opportunity to house themselves. It will also be manufactured to a specification for easy install and be able to relocate fencing when required. This forms part of the fencing being bolted into a concrete base as appose to sink fencing into the ground with postfix.3..Concrete sub-base will cure and provide a solid base for fencing to be bolted into. The fencing will be manufactured to provide a better aesthetic feel and improved landscaping to the site.4..Replacement of existing kitchens and wash facilities to make more user friendly and usable, this willinclude electrical rewiring. All facilities will be DDA compliant.5.. Renew and replace site lighting for each amenity block.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
45111291 - Site-development work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors