Development of Training Resources to Promote and Raise Awareness of Children and Young People''s Rig
The aim of this contract will be to:•Develop electronic/web based toolkits to include non sector specific general introduction to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) , sector specific pre and post qualification UNCRC courses. This will include a range of information, resources and guidance to support training and knowledge development of professionals in the area of Children’s Rights based on the themes of the UNCRC (Annex 7) set within the broader Human Rights context, as highlighted in the Resource Mapping Exercise (Annex 6). •Equip professionals with the information and knowledge they need in order to understand and implement the Convention in their work and further support the knowledge development of the children, young people (0-25) and parents they work with and for.•Understand that through raising awareness and knowledge of rights, access to exercise rights will increase and this will bring with it opportunities for children and young people to access support services, to develop skills and achieve improved outcomes and wellbeing. 3.1Successful contractors will be required to: •Build upon the previous resources identified and where appropriate integrate elements of existing resource content (identified by the resource mapping exercise) into new innovative resources; (see annex 6)•Consider the relevant information and recommendations made by the recent resource mapping exercise and how they can be addressed when developing a training and resources for professionals as outlined above;•Develop, pilot, evaluate and produce 1.a non sector specific half day general introduction to the UNCRC; 2.a full day generic pre qualification course to include an introduction, sector specific modules with supporting resources and an assessment tool;3.a full day generic post qualification course to include an introduction, sector specific modules with supporting resources and an assessment tool;•Develop a range of information, resources and guidance to support training and knowledge development of professionals and could include but is not restricted to sector specific case studies of how the Convention may apply in that area of work;•Produce a final version of each product amended to take into account feedback from the evaluated pilots;•Develop resources in order to support and give guidance for delivery (train the trainers); •Develop an assessment tool for the pre and post qualification to assess learning, the level of knowledge and understanding gained of implementing the Convention in their area of work;•Produce and implement an outline communication plan with a view to promoting and encouraging the use of the resources and making them visible and accessible to the target audience;•Ensure that the training developed supports the future implementation of the proposed Workforce Development Strategy and Common Core; Further information will be provided to the successful contractor on contract award. Also see the following links:• Produce a summary report relating to the resource developed and the evaluated pilot training projects delivered.In delivering the project contractors should ensure that:•All products will be developed bilingually, tested in appropriate bilingual settings and deliverable in the Welsh language;
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80110000 - Pre-school education services
80200000 - Secondary education services
80310000 - Youth education services
80100000 - Primary education services
72212190 - Educational software development services
80000000 - Education and training services
80300000 - Higher education services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors