Development options for improvement of monitoring system used for Bat Protection
1.Introduction 1.1.Natural England estimated in 2018 that the regulatory system in place for bats had a cost in the region of £75 million per annum, excluding work associated with protected sites. In terms of cost, 'bat regulation' is likely to be very much the largest measure in place in England for bat conservation. Thus, it is important for bat conservation that it delivers the greatest benefit practicable. 1.2 Derogations from regulatory prohibitions are provided by a licensing system. This contract will be used to develop options for one aspect of the licensing system where improved functionality has been identified as necessary, that is, monitoring. 1.3 A good monitoring system is fundamental to making regulation effective. Monitoring should ensure that the effectiveness of the regulatory system, and the species protection measures that it requires, are well understood and that this understanding can be fed back to improve the system. The Bat Expert Panel has in recent years identified improvement to the monitoring system as the highest priority in bat regulation. A recent contract undertaken for Natural England consulted expert stakeholders (listed in Appendix E) on how the system of outcome monitoring in licensing could be improved. This report has helped to identify priority issues (contained in tender) 2.Development of options for improvement of the monitoring system 2.1.The contractor is required to test with stakeholders the list of issues identified in the tender specification and adjust it if necessary to ensure it is understood and supported as far as practicable by a consensus of stakeholders. 2.2.Once this has been completed the contractor is asked to develop with stakeholder input at least three options for how the issues can be resolved. One of these options should be the current system with the minimum change required to resolve the issues. The other options may be more radically different (see specification for detail)
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1 Possible Competitors