DfC- 1992703 — Queens Quay Foul Berth Reconstruction
The project is a design and build project comprising the demolition of an existing timber quay and the reconstruction of a new quay and new quay wall in reinforced concrete. The quay is located on the East bank of the river Lagan in Belfast City Centre, situated between the Queens Bridge and Queen Elizabeth Bridge. The project has planning permission, planning reference no. is LA04/2018/0099/F. The quay is currently in an unsafe condition and is closed to the public. The site is bounded on the east side by a public road and footpath, on the north side by the Queen Elizabeth bridge, on the south side by Queens bridge (a listed structure) and on the west side by the river Lagan. The construction works will include the provision of a temporary cofferdam, demolition of the existing timber quay and removal of spoil off site, piled foundations, a reinforced concrete retaining wall clad in stone, backfill to the wall and the formation of a deck, tie-ins with existing bridges, steps, railings, street lighting and hard landscaping. In addition to the design and construction works, the design and build contractor will be responsible for compliance with relevant planning conditions, compliance with marine construction licence conditions, obtaining TAS approval for elements of works connected to TNI Roads infrastructure, traffic and pedestrian management and health and safety during the works. This contract will be awarded using the mean narrow average, price scoring mechanism — refer to the instructions to tender document provided.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors