DfE Dynamic Purchasing System for Skills Bootcamps
DfE is seeking to engage with suppliers who are interested in delivering Skills Bootcamps, building on successful delivery to date and as the third wave of Skills Bootcamps moves toward delivery. DfE are set to launch a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) on the 21st November 2022. The DPS will run for a duration of up to 6 years with a value of approximately £1.5bn to support DfE's Skills Bootcamps. This is an indicative value of the DfE Dynamic Purchasing System for Skills Bootcamps. The Department for Education (DfE) is not guaranteeing or committing to any specific value. This PIN is for market engagement only. It does not signify the commencement of any procurement process and does not constitute any commitment by DfE. If DfE decides to commence any procurement process(es) as contemplated by this notice, a separate notice(s) will be published at the relevant time. DfE will be focusing on Skills Bootcamps in digital skills as a priority for the first competition run from the DPS. If you are planning to bid to become a supplier for a Skills Bootcamp in digital skills, please apply to the DPS as soon as possible after launch on 21st November 2022. For more information, please register as a supplier on the DfE Jaggaer portal via this link All information can be found under project_6939 including the "Supplier Information Document" regarding the DPS. Information can also be found at: How DfE will engage with the market? Following the two previous market engagement events in April and May 2022, DfE is holding a final virtual market engagement event regarding the DPS. Virtual Market Engagement Event- Monday 14th November 2022, 11am - 12pm DfE invites any suppliers whose service offering potentially matches DfE's requirements for Skills Bootcamps to attend the Virtual Market Engagement Event, which seeks to achieve the following outcomes : 1. To explain the DfE Dynamic Purchasing System for Skills Bootcamps 2. Prepare suppliers for the launch of the DfE Dynamic Purchasing System for Skills Bootcamps 3. Invite suppliers' questions How to join the virtual market engagement event: Suppliers are invited to attend a virtual market engagement event on Monday 14th November 2022 from 11AM-12PM. To book your attendance (max. two per organisation), please use the below link to register via Microsoft Teams:,Wq4KJENTNU-SXNBMEshYPg,JaDAQQUASUyOpwEoZic9pg,6MG8PNOGuU6ggndfJeTHRg,fTYKJU4GdkabPAyR1nkl4g,1a-2GqGbOk60pMLxSziR_A?mode=read&tenantId=fad277c9-c60a-4da1-b5f3-b3b8b34a82f9
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors