DfE Offsite Schools Framework (Incorporating Modular and MMC delivery).
The Department for Education (DfE) has procured a new offsite construction framework for the design and build of offsite schools and educational establishments to support its educational infrastructure delivery programmes and other initiatives. The DfE offsite framework is being established to cultivate innovation and modernise the industry by increasing the adoption of MMC (modern methods of construction) offsite production in the market, in line with the government's commitment to MMC and its presumption in favour of offsite construction by 2019 across suitable capital programmes, where it represents best value for money. The DfE has appointed 5 contractors to each Lot. Lot 1 is intended for the delivery of offsite built Secondary Schools and Secondary blocks of Gross Internal Area (GIA) 6,000 m2 and above throughout England, but the DfE may use Lot 1 to deliver batches of primary school schemes. Schemes awarded under the framework will be subject to a mini competition or allocated via a performance based allocation procedure. The stated Lot value of 2 000 000 000 GBP is the maximum headroom for schemes delivered under this lot but the actual value of schemes is anticipated to be lower than this figure. The median anticipated pipeline for Lot 1 is expected to be a throughput of 15 secondary schemes per year. DFE makes no guarantee to any Bidder or contractor that they will be awarded any schemes and no guarantee is made in respect of any volume of work under the Framework Agreement. Lot 2 is intended for the delivery of offsite built primary school schemes and secondary blocks of GIA from 750 to 6,000+ m2 throughout England, but the DfE may use Lot 2 to deliver secondary school schemes above 6,000 m2. Schemes awarded under the framework will be subject to a mini competition or allocated via a performance based allocation procedure. The stated Lot value of 1 000 000 000 GBP is the maximum headroom for schemes delivered under this lot but the actual value of schemes is anticipated to be lower than this figure. The median anticipated pipeline for Lot 2 is expected to be a throughput of 15 primary schemes per year,. DFE makes no guarantee to any Bidder or contractor that they will be awarded any Scheme Contract and no guarantee is made in respect of any volume of work under any Scheme Contract, or in aggregate under the Framework Agreement. The frameworks are intended to supplement and not replace existing DfE school construction frameworks
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors