DFID 8210 BRILHO - Energy Africa Mozambique Contract Award
The key objectives of BRILHO are to: 1. increase energy access through innovative private sector provision of, and investment in, offgrid clean energy. 2. build a market of off-grid energy companies (across the three target technologies) able to operate on a sustainable basis. The private sector companies should ultimately have the potential to attract new sources of finance and exponentially grow their businesses to provide cheaper cleaner energy solutions to millions more off-grid Mozambicans. 3. build the supporting environment for successful off-grid energy companies including support to logistics and mobile money partners, skills training and increasing rural awareness of offgrid energy solutions. 4. support Government of Mozambique (GoM) to develop an off-grid strategy, policy and regulatory environment that embeds the market approach into government systems. This will give clarity and confidence to the off-grid market and investors, including for micro- and minigrid companies, and will include appropriate certification, licencing and electricity tariff requirements.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors