DFID 7739 Engineering Management Services to Rehabilitate Freetown Water Supply, Sierra Leone
The actual CPV code is ‘75211200 Foreign Economic-Aid Related Services’. The water supply to Freetown is in a critical situation. It relies principally on a single source, Guma Dam, which was built in the early 1960s, supplies only around half of the city’s theoretical demand and is vulnerable to climate effects. Inadequate water from municipal systems forces the population to seek informal sources seriously increasing the hazards to health and the risk of disease. Objective The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TOR) is to seek an Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor for the rehabilitation and construction of the proposed engineering works under the DFID funded Freetown Water Supply Rehabilitation project Project Objective. The main objective of the project is to improve the water situation for the 600,000 people in the east of Freetown. An Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractor is needed to provide detailed design and construction services to deliver the project on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone and to safeguard the use of UK Government funds. Impact - The expected impact of the proposed programme will be to reduce morbidity and mortality rates associated with incidences of diarrhoea, malaria and other water-borne and vector-linked diseases. Outcome - The expected outcome will be increased sustainable access to safe water in Freetown, the capital city. This will be achieved through rehabilitation of water infrastructure for improved public service delivery of water.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211000 - Foreign-affairs services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors