DFID Nepal's National Health Sector Programme 3 — Monitoring and Evaluation.
DFID sought to engage Supplier(s) to deliver technical assistance to support the implementation of the DFID Nepal's National Health Sector Strategy 3, 2016-2020. DFID intends to procure support to the implementation of NHSP3 through 2 OJEU processes, approximately 2 months apart. The first (already in 2nd stage of the tendering process) is related to Delivery and the second, this OJEU process, is related to Monitoring and Evaluation. Both tender processes involve a Lotted approach, with a 2-stage restricted procedure. The overarching objective of the NHSP3 programme is to improve the health of women, children, the poor and socially excluded in Nepal, including by restoring health services in areas affected by the 2015 earthquake, and improving the quality and governance of health services nationwide. Sub-objectives are to: i. support improved coherence and effectiveness of social accountability initiatives resulting in more effective and responsive health service governance and delivery, and link this with wider political accountability and reform processes, in line with the devolution of power set out in the new Constitution. Enable DFID Nepal to continuously improve and adapt its programme to ensure that the NHSP 3 intended outcomes and impact are achieved by: – Contributing to strengthening results and progress monitoring of DFID Nepal's health sector programmes, including validating methodologies and tracking progress against the NHSP 3 Theory of Change and Logframe and assessing VfM; and – helping to help to build and share evidence derived from DFID's NHSP 3 programme, and health sector reform and equitable service delivery more generally in Nepal. It will generate evidence on the Nepal context and on what is working well and why. This tender (NHSP 3 Monitoring and Evaluation) contains Two (2) Lots: 1. Social Accountability in the Health Sector (SAHS) 2. Monitoring, Evaluation and Operational Research (MEOR) Suppliers were welcome to bid for 1 or more lots.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors