DFID 40097678 Political Economy Analysis of the Power Sectors in Eastern Africa and the Prospects for Closer Regional Integration
Actual CPV code is ‘75211200 Foreign Economic-Aid Related Services’. Task This is a focused study, centred on 4 main questions of operational relevance: 1.What degree of integration and what form of power trading is it technically realistic to expect by 2025 in eastern Africa? 2.What degree of high level political support is there for closer regional power integration and, critically, power trading? 3.What is the range of objections to greater regional power integration and trading and how are these likely to play out? 4.What are the implications of this analysis for how best development partners could support greater regional power integration and so trading? The study will take place in two stages: i.desk-based scoping, which will include a review of relevant literature from eastern Africa and the experiences of other regions, supported by telephone interviews, cumulating in the Inception report; ii.detailed in-country work, where the countries will need to be agreed with DFID but are expected to be Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
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CPV Codes
75211000 - Foreign-affairs services
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1 Possible Competitors