DFID 7977 Supporting the Implementation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Trade Faciliatation Agreement (SITFA) - Monitoring and Evaluation
DFID is seeking to source an an external M&E consultancy to support DFID (2017 to 2021) that will provide independent monitoring and evaluation of the Trade for Development Supporting the Implementation of the WTO Trade Faciliatation Agreement (SITFA) Programme. i. support DFID in its management of SITFA and its oversight of the implementation programmes it is funding, i.e. TFSP, GATF and TFAF; ii. support DFID in meeting its fiduciary and due diligence responsibilities in respect of the performance and value of SITFA; iii. provide guidance and oversight to the implementation programmes in meeting their performance monitoring and reporting obligations to DFID; iv. conduct at least two evaluations of SITFA; v. generate knowledge about SITFA and trade facilitation that is relevant and useful to DFID programme management, to DFID policy processes and to the trade facilitation community at large; vi. support efficient coordination and exchange between contributors to the TFSP multi-donor trust fund, to GATF and to TFAF, to mitigate the risk of duplication of monitoring and evaluation, to exchange monitoring and evaluation information and to support joint evaluation where possible and appropriate. vii. support and collaborate with DFID on internal DFID annual reviews and project completion activities. As such, DFID is the client and principal beneficiary of the M&E work that will be carried out by the external service provider, i.e. the "M&E unit".
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors