DFID 7668 Technical Assistance to the Government of Nepal on Post Earthquake Reconstruction Planning - "Reconstruction TA"
This Technical Assistance (TA) project to District Governments, which is the requirement of these ToRs, should contribute to local government efforts to develop comprehensive five-year reconstruction and recovery strategies for their districts. In doing so, the support should reinforce district capacity to coordinate the multiple actors engaged in recovery from both local and international public, NGO and private investments. Expected results include: Government-owned five year strategic plans for post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction at district and sub-district level; Realistic timelines for recovery - by sector, by community, by year; together with one-year workplans. Effective information management systems that enable mapping of needs, priorities and gaps across sectors and communities together with analysis of existing, completed or committed works by government and all agencies working on reconstruction. Efficient and effectively prioritised allocation of resources for recovery and reconstruction; The most vulnerable disaster-affected communities are supported in their own recovery in a timely manner. The recipient of these services is the government of Nepal
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors