DFOCVC Framework Further Competition for the provision of Online Consultation and Video Consultation To NHS North Central London ICB
The ICB needed to procure OCVC services for all GP practices in north central London, with funding for this procurement provided by NHSE London (up to 27p per patient). GP practices are contractually obliged to have an online consultation/video consultation service for patients. Having the ICB as the contracting authority ensures that: •practices can be assured that the services they have meet their requirements •practices can provide patients with equity of service and access across NCL •take advantage of procurement at scale and lower prices per patient Online consultation has been part of the NHS's long term and five-year plans, and the recent COVID pandemic rolled out online consultation at a national level and at speed. The pandemic changed how general practice operates and OCVC is now an essential part of practice life. The use of online consultation has also opened up access to primary care to people who were previously unable to access a GP for a variety of reasons (e.g., shift work patterns, caring responsibilities etc.). The current OCVC contracts the ICB holds are coming to an end, and new contracts need to be procured from the new national Digital First OCVC Framework. The funding for this comes from NHSE London and is specified to be used for this procurement, mobilisation, transition arrangements and ongoing delivery support. The initial contracts will be for two years, with options for practices to switch between recommended suppliers within the T&C of the national DFOCVC framework.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72610000 - Computer support services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors