DGT Passive Phosphorous sampling study and analysis for LIFE R4ever Kent (LIFE20 NAT/UK/OO1001013)
The LIFE R4ever Kent project will restore and revitalise the River Kent SAC and its wider catchment, so it is more resilient to environmental pressures. Freshwater pearl mussel (FPM) (S1029) is a keystone species which requires clean gravel habitats and low suspended solids/nutrient loading. Improved water and habitat quality (including H3260 habitat) will benefit other aquatic/terrestrial species including the endangered White clawed crayfish (S1092) and provide optimum conditions for FPM's salmonid hosts. The project will trial new techniques, provide targeted advice and training and promote better replication/communication. Natural England (lead partner) is working in partnership with South Cumbria Rivers Trust, Environment Agency and Freshwater Biological Association. The project is financially supported by LIFE, a financial instrument of the European Commission. The LIFE R4ever Kent project aims to use DGT Passive Phosphorous sampling for two purposes: inform advice to land managers in the catchment by identifying priority farms for targeted management advice and restoration works where there are higher concentrations of P in the adjacent watercourses, and 2.provide new data on P levels informing Freshwater Pearl Mussel reintroduction site suitability. The new sampling and data created from the project should provide evidence to allow an assessment of P concentrations at specific sites in the Special Area of Conservation measured against the target of 0.005mg/l levels of P required for FPMs. The assessment will include consideration of P concentrations revealed in the context of the land use practices upstream of the sample points. The quotation requested relates to the provision of the necessary expertise, equipment, methodology, laboratory analysis, data review and reporting to facilitate and interpret a programme of DGT Passive Phosphorous sampling. The requirement is split into 7 activities: 1.Study formation 2.Sample kits 3.Deployment kits 4.Sample analysis 5.Interim report writing 6.Final report writing 7.Courier/postage costs
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