Digital & General Railway Modelling.
Framework to Provide:— a railway modelling simulator that is able to accurately model the railway and capacity under digital railway operation (ETCS) as well as current signalling systems. The simulator must also be able to handle the use of externally produced plug-ins, and training to NR staff is also expected to be made available.— A requirement for the following list of modelling solutions is required;—Whole Life Costing — the development of models for application to individual components or asset portfolios.—Lifecycle analysis — techniques for establishing rates of degradation over the lifecycle of an asset, the likelihood and impact of failures, and the effectiveness of interventions.—Numerical / statistical techniques — representation of degradation and other asset relationships for use in LCC models e.g. Markov, Weibull, Bayes, Monte Carlo.—ALARP / Safety Cost Benefit Analysis. Includes the quantification and valuation of safety risk, experience in apply ALARP principles. Discounting, NPV etc.—Safety risk modelling — experience is using the GB rail industry's Safety Risk Model or equivalent and associated methods e.g. Fault Trees, Event Trees etc.—Coding for mathematical models e.g. C++, VB, .NET etc.—Database design/exploitation e.g. SQL—Performance Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety (PRAMS).—OLE Modelling.—Multiphysics — for things like ole dynamic behaviours, S&C variations with temperature.—Discrete element — to cope with things like ballast fluidisation.—Finite element — for analysis and engineering of highly stressed components such as those in OLE components, fasteners, S&C—Computational fluid dynamics — for handling aerodynamic and hydrodynamic effects around tunnels and bridges.Lot 1: Modelling Simulator and Software.Lot 2: Generic Modelling Requirements.Contracts for call -off of services for each specific loto be awarded by mini-competition amongstframework suppliers.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72212140 - Railway traffic control software development services
72212900 - Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
72211000 - Programming services of systems and user software
72590000 - Computer-related professional services
72212100 - Industry specific software development services
72210000 - Programming services of packaged software products
72260000 - Software-related services
72227000 - Software integration consultancy services
72212000 - Programming services of application software
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors