Digital Communications Value Chain
A consultancy to provide insight on communications services that rely on, or are significantly affected by, the internet. There are two parts to this work: 1.Part 1: value chain analysis: we require an agreed, visualisable value-chain decomposition of the communications sector, spanning both traditional and online markets. This will serve as the basis both for Part 2, and for internal work that Ofcom will carry out in parallel. 2.Part 2: market analysis: for specific markets where the internet is likely to play an important role (as identified in Part 1), we require analysis of (a) commercial dynamics from a strategic perspective; and (b) potential market failures. We require three Stages to this analysis, starting from a high-level view of a large number of markets (likely around 30) then a more in-depth look at a smaller number of markets (10 or more); and then an analysis of key cross-cutting themes.
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CPV Codes
79411000 - General management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors