Digital Consultation and Engagement Solution
The City of Wolverhampton Council (CoWC) is conducting a Preliminary Market Engagement for a Digital Consultation and Engagement Solution. CoWC champions the value of consultation and engagement and sees it as an opportunity as well as a duty. There are over 260,000 people who live in Wolverhampton, and there are many others who visit and work in the city. Consultation and engagement is an important way in which residents, businesses and other stakeholders can help to influence decision making in the city. To help ensure that engagement is successful and meaningful, COWC wants to make it as easy and accessible as possible for people to participate in consultations and engagement. To do this it needs to ensure it has the right tools and platform. The Council would like to understand what digital consultation and engagement solutions exist in the market, to ensure that stakeholder needs are met. The purpose of this Preliminary Market Engagement is to seek input from potential suppliers within the market, to establish the types of solution, functionality, delivery types, and costing models that are available for a Digital Consultation and Engagement solution. If you would like to participate in the Preliminary Market Engagement please complete and submit the questionnaire available on the Council’s website
Published Date :
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CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors