Digital Diagnostic Solutions
Digital Diagnostic Solutions is to be the new Framework for the Medical IT Departmental Software and Hardware Solutions framework within NHS Supply Chain. Digital systems are the backbone of any hospital with every department requiring a way to store, manage and share their data across sites, regions and even whole nations. This framework will offer customers access to a number of suppliers across different clinical areas that sit within the Diagnostics, Equipment and Services area of NHS Supply Chain. This Framework Agreement will offer managed and non-managed service contracts as well as software only. Customers will have the ability to specify and create a fully bespoke Digital Diagnostic Solution for different requirements that can range from a single site or department to a solution across multiple departments or Trusts. Precise quantities are unknown. The estimated value over the total Framework Agreement term (including any extension options) is £700,000,000 including growth. This procurement is to provide a route to market for departmental wide diagnostic IT solutions. This framework will sit alongside other capital equipment NHS Supply Chain frameworks such as but not limited to X-ray, MRI, CT. The framework will cover the following areas: - Radiology PACS and Associated Hardware - Cardiology PACS and Associated Hardware - Radiology Informatio3n Systems (RIS) and Associated Hardware - Cardiovascular Information Systems (CVIS) and Associated Hardware - Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and Associated Hardware - Advanced 3D Visualisation Software - Dose Monitoring - CAD Software - Vendor Neutral Imaging Archive (VNA) and Associated Hardware - Order Communication Systems and Associated Hardware - Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Associated Hardware - Multi Disciplinary Team Software and Associated Hardware - Interoperability Sharing Solutions - Digital Pathology and Associated Hardware - Ultrasound Image Management and Associated Hardware - Endoscopy Departmental Information System and Associated Hardware - Endoscopy Image Management - Theatres Department Information System and Associated Hardware - Business Analytics - ICU Department Information System and Associated Hardware - A&E Department Information System and Associated Hardware - Maternity Department Information System and Associated Hardware - Wards Departmental Information System and Associated Hardware - Nuclear Image Management and Associated Hardware
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48180000 - Medical software package
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors