Digital Growth Hub - SME Business Evolution Index
The Growth Hub have identified three new features to be added to enhance their Digital Growth Hub offering - one of these being the 'SME Business Evolution Index'. This feature will aid business owners in better understanding how optimised their company processes, policies and practices are for the Digital Age and anonymously rank them against their peers in the same sector locally, regionally and nationally, guide them to identify the areas which could benefit from independent and impartial support and to assist them in finding business development opportunities. It is widely recognised that we are in a period of time termed the 'Digital Revolution', which has seen the rapid emergence of increased connectivity, disruptive business models and increased consumer power. Consequently the scope of threats and opportunities to businesses is a great deal broader, more complex and daunting to business owners from micro business to international conglomerates. We believe that as part of the business support offering to Gloucestershire SMEs, we should provide a free-to-use tool that allows business owners to understand the options available to them for advancing their operational maturity in the digital age and helps them to plot a course of action to reach a level of maturity that will support and empower them to meet their strategic growth objectives. We would like to provide the capability to Growth Hub users to help them gain a better understanding of their organisational maturity in relation to the digital age and provide them with a comparison against which they can plan their investments and improve their competitiveness. Via a series of interventions such as training courses, workshops and online learning modules this tool will help the Growth Hub to raise the competitiveness and capability of our business community.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors