Digital Interviewing.
The scope of the Home Office Digital Interviewing Project is for the digital upgrade of 150 interview rooms spread across 12 UK sites and the subsequent access to all the recorded interview data (both text and audio). In total there will be approximately 500 users requiring different levels of user profiles/access — and there is an estimated 35 000-40 000 interviews to be captured each year.The scope of the Home Office Digital Interviewing Project is initially for the digital upgrade of 150 interview rooms (plus 10 mobile devices) spread across 13 UK sites and the subsequent access to all the recorded interview data (both text and audio). In total there will be approximately 550 users requiring different levels of user profiles/access — and there is an estimated 35 000-40 000 interviews to be captured each year.The Home Office Digital Interviewing solution should be regarded as a collection of services. These services are— Digital interview capture and applicant output including multiple participants and video-conferencing integration. Provision of software and equipment to enable audio recording in each interview room.— Cloud-hosted Storage and View: during interview to produce an interview record as output from the interview. Word or text processor functionality integrated or aligned with service 1.— Cloud-hosted Value added services where all output is stored and is accessible to Home Office end users, legal representatives and applicants. Universal functionality aligned with services 1 and 2 to make the digital interviewing service viable from a business perspective.
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1 Possible Competitors