Digital media planning and campaign management
NICE is seeking a suitable supplier to provide digital media planning and campaign management over the next 2 years, including but not limited to: 2.1.Digital marketing strategy: •Working with us to shape our digital marketing strategy, capturing and understanding our needs and those of our audiences (including users of NICE guidance e.g. frontline healthcare professionals and NHS commissioners of healthcare products and services, and the life sciences industry e.g. pharmaceutical companies, medical or digital health technology developers). •Provision of recommendations with a clear rationale, to ensure cost-effectiveness of paid digital marketing. •Supporting NICE in the development of an 'always-on', insight-led approach to digital marketing, scheduling and continuously optimising activity (within the remit of our budget). 2.2.Campaign planning and delivery: •Planning and delivering paid digital advertising, ensuring effective tracking of campaign objectives and associated goals, thorough analysis and evaluation of campaign performance data. •Ability to produce static campaign assets (e.g. images, carousels) and adapt these for different channels, if required. •Ability to embed key accessibility standards into any assets created for use within digital content marketing campaigns.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors