Direct Access to Diagnostic Services - Prime Provider Model
The NHS supports the need to develop improved access to diagnostic testing as part of the drive to reduce patient waiting times, improve choice for patients to provide services locally. Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Primary Care Trust (PCT)has been delivering diagnostics in this way since 2012. Currently services are delivered by multiple providers from across NHS and non-NHS organisations. This new service will be provided via a Prime Provider Contract Model, meaning one single Provider will be responsible for the management of all the diagnostic services included within the care pathway. This may mean, where appropriate, that the Prime Provider may enter into sub-contractor arrangements with other Providers for particular diagnostics. The benefits of this model include the opportunity for innovation, integration and collaboration. It will provide direct and timely access for GPs to diagnostics within the community, avoiding the need for unnecessary referrals to secondary care for the following diagnostics; •Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) •Computerised Tomography (CT) scans •Plain Film X-ray •Ultrasound (non-obstetrics) •Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scans. •Nuclear Medicine Staff will be qualified to the appropriate skill and experience level, using diagnostic equipment that complies with the guidance from the Royal College of Radiologists. Compatibility of quality image sharing between NHS/non-NHS providers for image transfer is essential. The Provider will have stringent levels of clinical governance and robust performance management systems in place. The key aims and objectives of the service are:- •To provide increased accessibility to diagnostics for patients •To ensure patients receive the right diagnostic, at the right time in the most appropriate local setting •To ensure diagnostic tests are appropriate, clinically correct, of high quality with timely access and reporting •To ensure diagnostic testing is integrated across care pathways and providers, ensuring the image and subsequent report(s) follow the patient preventing any duplication of investigation Service Description / Care Pathway The service will provide local, responsive diagnostic services for clinically appropriate assessment and diagnostic investigations, with quality and timely reporting to GPs to enable and inform seamless and appropriate patient care. This contract will be for an initial 3 year period with the option to extend for a further 2 year period.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors