Direct Award for the monitoring of birds boxes & removal of bird caller
Leicestershire County Council has been awarded funding from Natural England to purchase and install Swift nest boxes and bird callers. In order to make this happen and monitor the impacts Leicestershire County Council must work in partnership with Leicestershire & Rutland Ornithological Society (LROS) to support the assessment of aspect on buildings for installation, advice to homeowners about the birds, boxes& caller, advice to contractors about the birds, boxes and callers. In addition LROS volunteers to monitor the boxes and remove bird callers once the boxes have been occupied by the species. This monitoring will be required as part of the project and is condition of the funding received. LCC will provide LROS with £14533.37 of contribution to do this activity and LROS will provide LCC evidence of the volunteer hours worth a value of £27,300.00 which will be presented to Natural England at the point of claiming funds allocated. The total budget of this element of the project is £41,833.37
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1 Possible Competitors