Disability Access Card
The aim of this project is to appoint a suitable consultant to undertake the feasibility research and report on the findings for a national Access Card for disabled audiences. Working in partnership with Arts Council Northern Ireland, Arts Council Wales, Arts Council England, Creative Scotland and the British Film Institute. The partners are contributing to this study, and there will be consultation with disabled users in each area. Framework for study: 1. A review of the current card schemes in the market place. 2. Explore the merits of establishing a cross border card vs. national only cards looking at any challenges to implementation. 3. Outline indication of budgets required, implementation timeline, technological and system requirements. 4. Explore options for card to service publicly subsidised arts and cultural sector or wider roll out including commercial and non-subsidised partners 5. Pricing options for the card e.g. free to end user, subsidised or full cost 6. Incorporate 1 day of consultation in each home nation to get local views 7. Look at the data each working group member is interested in capturing from the card e.g. audience data, geographical data, demographics and disability 8. Produce final report including options analysis 9. Present final report findings to the partnership group
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1 Possible Competitors