Disability Domestic Violence Advocacy Support
Southampton City Council are looking to appoint a service provider for the provision of Disability Domestic Violence Advocacy Support. Service delivery will include the following provisions; •Case holding advocacy support for individuals over the age of 18 identified as a victim of domestic abuse and who are living with a disability •the requirement to establish links with disability advocacy group(s) to strengthen the offer of support to disabled people and assist with the development of an engagement programme •Development and delivery of a training offer for front line staff in conjunction with other disability advocacy groups •Delivery of a detailed report, encompassing a review of current service delivery, and recommendations to inform future commissioning intentions The service provider will be required to deliver services in accordance with the Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) standards and incorporate the key priorities of the Southampton Domestic Abuse Strategy against domestic violence.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors