Diversity in Leadership- Implementing a programme to support the diverse workforce into Leadership r
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) are seeking a tenderer to implement the Diversity in Leadership Programme. The aim of this programme is to challenge bias, remove obstacles to achieving leadership roles and to use tools such as coaching to motivate and build confidence in aspiring leaders across the sector so they can develop sufficient leadership capacity to achieve senior leadership roles. The impact of having an increased number of diverse leaders within the sector would encourage growth, bringing in new and relevant skills and experiences and reflect the growing diversity of the learning community in the FE Sector. The successful tenderer would be expected to assess the current diversity landscape across the sector and utilise this information to inform their work in regard to developing a Diversity in Leadership Programme. Through this programme, we would like potential leaders that aspire to progress along the leadership pipeline to do so without bias against their ethnicity, gender, sexuality and physical ability. It is anticipated all FE sector organisations will engage in and sign up to a charter developed as part of this work that pledges their positive drive to support the diverse workforce at all levels of leadership and management. We would like to see the FE Sector address the challenges that the diverse workforce faces in being able to progress into senior leadership roles and create an environment and culture of tolerance, acceptance and celebration of diversity and be a catalyst for change. Tenderers can either submit a response individually or through a consortium of partners that can collaborate to deliver the strands of the Diversity in Leadership programme.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79212110 - Corporate governance rating services
79998000 - Coaching services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors