DN2 Children’s Services Intervention Programme — Social Impact Bond
The DN2 Partnership: comprising Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottingham City Council, and Derby City Council — has been successful is securing funding to develop a Social Impact Bond.The Partnership is seeking to jointly commission evidence-based services that support children on the edge of care, and in care, to achieve better social outcomes. We believe that there is a strong evidence base demonstrating that children and young people achieve better outcomes when they are able to remain in a family environment. Through these services we collectively aim to support young people to achieve stable placements in the family setting, and where possible to remain at home with their families.We are seeking a service provider or consortia of service providers to deliver three distinct interventions across all three local authorities:Edge of care: an intensive family intervention to support children and young people on the edge of care remain safely with their families. A young person on the edge of care is someone:• who is not currently a looked after child (LAC) but who is identified as being at high risk of becoming LAC within the next 12 months; or• who is currently a LAC who we are seeking to re-unify with their family.Placement support: specialist provision to help young people who have entered residential care to step down to foster care, or specialist provision for those in foster care and at a high risk of entering residential care to remain in foster care.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors