DoF — Collaborative Arrangement — Supply of Unmetered electricity 2021-2023 (ID 3098149)
This contract will be for the supply of 100 % green unmetered electricity for a term of 24 months. The anticipated commencement date shall be 1 April 2021 and expire on 31 March 2023. The contract will be utilised by the following clients:• Department for Infrastructure (DfI);• NI Water (NIW);• The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI);• Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE); and• Translink.Each client will be wholly responsible for the performance of its obligations under the contract. As CPD and its clients are committed to the Central Government Energy Management Strategy and Action Plan to 2030 contractors must provide 100 % green electricity. This commits all Central Government bodies to reduce costs and consumption consistent with draft Programme for Government (PFG) indicators on greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing security of supply. This is delivered through a target to reduce net energy consumption by 30 % by 2030 and to spend no more on energy in 2030 as we do today. In addition Department for Economy (DfE) has recently published an issues paper considering how best to advance proposals for an energy strategy that will enable new and challenging decarbonisation targets to be met. Not least among these is the UK Government legal requirement to achieve ‘net zero carbon’ by 2050. Further details on this initiative can be found at and DfI has embarked on a street lighting LED retrofit programme to replace existing sodium street lighting units with LED ones resulting in reduced consumption as the year progresses. Consequently, the retrofit projects will have an impact on this contract as they will have a direct effect on the consumption of unmetered electricity. The rates submitted must be honoured for the duration of the contract despite the likelihood of a reduction in the annual usage, the supplier should take this into consideration when submitting their response.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9310000 - Electricity
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors