Doncaster Pathways to Progression - Functional Skills, Employability and Vocational Skills for young people age 16-18
On behalf of the South Yorkshire Local Authorities and Doncaster Chilrdren's Services Trust, Opportunity Sheffield have been successful in a bid for the European Social Fund (ESF) Pathways to Progression funding. Pathways to Progression is a £6.3m programme (£3.8m - ESF and £2.5m - match) covering the Local Authority areas of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham & Sheffield. The ITT is for Doncaster's portion of this funding only. The tender is split into two lots. Lot 1 Functional Skills and Employability and Lot 2 Level 1 Award in Vocational Studies. For Lot 1 Contractors will deliver Accredited Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2, Maths and English Functional Skills qualifications to a minimum of 50 young people. The level delivered will be based on the outcome of an assessment undertaken by the training provider. A minimum of 39 young people will achieve Employability skills and either Entry Level 3, Level 1 or Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths or English. The service fee for Lot 1 is; £18,800 paid as below; £895 per month x 20 months £900 x 1 month Lot 2 will deliver accredited BTEC (or equivalent) Level 1 Award in Vocational Studies to a minimum of 50 young people in order to enable them to develop vocational awareness in their chosen work area. A minimum of 35 young people will achieve a Level 1 Award in Vocational Studies. The service fee for the project is £18,522 paid as below; £882 per month x 21 months. The Doncaster Pathways to Progression programme is part funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). The ESF is part of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme for England. The ESF is designed to increase sustainable economic and social inclusion in the European Union, by helping people who have difficulties finding work, and improving the skills of the workforce. The European Commission (EC) owns these programmes and sets the Europe-wide ESF Programme requirements which are governed by the EC through its rules and regulations. The Department for Work and Pensions is the Managing Authority for the ESF in England, managing it with a view to achieving the Programme's priorities in England to increase labour market participation, promote social inclusion and develop the skills of the potential and existing workforce. You can access an overview of the national ESF Programme on GOV.UK
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors