Drainage Network Characterisation of the Marazion Marsh Catchment
Natural England is looking for ways to work with their suppliers to improve service and the environment whilst taking cost out of its operation. The supply of goods and services are a large part of our cost base and we are therefore pro-actively developing collaborative relationships with our suppliers through our Supplier Relationship Development Programme, so working together we can jointly reduce costs, improve the environment and performance. The aims of this study are to: I. Characterise the drainage pattern within the eastern part of the Marazion catchment. II. Quantify the sediment loading into the eastern side of Marazion Marsh SSSI/SPA and within the tributaries of the eastern part of the catchment to understand the scale and source of sediment to the site. III. Propose sediment loading targets to enable management action decisions to taken that will achieve favourable condition. IV. Produce a newsletter (no more than 4 sides of A4) interpreting the final report for local farmers and key stakeholders in the Marazion catchment. V. Deliver a 3 hour workshop to interpret the final report to local farmers and key stakeholders in the Marazion catchment. This may include a walk to highlight the key findings of the study. VI. Include in the final report the data from the previous APEM study ‘A drainage network characterisation and sediment loading study of the Marazion Marsh catchment’ APEM Ref 413074, February 2015 produced for Natural England on the western side of the catchment next to Marazion Marsh, to determine contributions of sediment from all inflows into the marsh and where the most significant sources are.
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