DSD — Welfare Reform and Modernisation Consultancy Support.
The Department requires consultancy support from the date of Award of Contract until the end of March 2018. The contract may be extended for up to 12 months.Given the Welfare Reform and Pensions Reform size and complexity, it is not possible to definitively specify at this stage the areas in which the Department will require advice. However, based on the current programmes of activities the following work themes have been identified as areas where the programme may require consultancy support and advice:— Implementation;— Organisational change management;— Communications;— Digitalisation.The contract will be on a call-down basis, with none of the work guaranteed.The nature and timing of any potential work packages required under the above themes will be subject to implementation timescales and public consultation.Should a specific requirement be identified, the Contractor will be approached by the Department with more detailed requirements. The service provider must provide the Department with a proposal and cost to deliver the requirements as well as identify the personnel who will deliver the requirements. The Department must approve the proposal and associated costs prior to any work being undertaken or costs incurred. Work must be delivered within agreed timescales or else the Contractor risks losing entitlement to payment.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors