DUD - The Design and Provision of New Level Access Shower Installations and Refurbishment Works 2022 - AWARD
Dudley MBC invites tenders for the Design and Provision of New Level Access Shower Installations and Refurbishment Works together with all associated works to Council owned, privately owned, privately and housing association rented homes. The Council is looking to set up work programmes to include a design element for delivering level access shower installations and refurbishment works within the Dudley Borough and potentially for use by other contracting authorities, the works to be procured could include any of the following: - o Design service for the provision of proposed bathroom layouts (of whatever type and specification required) o Provision of a full refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey together with any testing and removal of asbestos required The work required shall be prescribed to the contractor and shall include any of the following options: - o Provision of a standard level access shower including under floor shower tray, slip resistant flooring, care shower and any associated works o As above but with a specification that is 'Dementia Friendly'. o Over bath shower (OBS) o Long term level access shower option (enabling a bath to be re-fitted with minimal works (rather than removing the LAS completely) when it is no longer required o Replacement of the existing bath with a step-in shower tray in (BOSI) In addition, the option will be available to replace the standard WC with the following, either as a stand-alone installation or as part of a new bathroom installation: - o Bio-bidet o Clos-o-mat As an alternative, there shall also be an option to install the following proprietary items: - o Shower toilet cubicle There shall also be a requirement for the Contractor is to train and appoint a minimum of one person as a Trusted Assessor to Level 3 or equivalent within 6 months of the contract commencement date. From this date onwards the Contractor will be expected to undertake all Trusted Assessor function which shall also include all continuous development and any supervision required.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45211310 - Bathrooms construction work
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors