Dunedin Canmore Housing Manufacture and Supply of External Doors and Windows.
The Association require to procure an external door and window supplier who will offer a design, manufacture and supply service in the delivery of a replacement door and window programme. The Association replace an average of 100 doors to tenant's properties, and windows to 50 properties per year. In addition there are approximately 10 void properties where these elements may be replaced during the year. The approximate spend on the supply of these 2 elements is in the region of 150 000 GBP per year.The contract will include the measurement, manufacture and supply of both external doors and windows. In addition to this, there may be the need for supply of specialist door equipment e.g. door openers and closers.External door procurement will include both front and back doors to houses and individual flat doors and may also include replacement mechanically controlled doors.Doors will be of composite construction and windows will be UPVC. Contractors should demonstrate the level of recycled materials used within their products and their commitment to sustainable manufacturer, including recycling of existing windows and doors from site.Suppliers must be able to provide secure by design windows and doors.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44221000 - Windows, doors and related items
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors