DurhamWorks (DurhamDirections) - Construction Employment Routeway including Construction Skills Certification Scheme
We are looking for a single provider and are welcoming bids to deliver a Construction employment routeway including the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) (as a minimum) with a focus on realistic opportunities for progression to Employment , Apprenticeships, Traineeships or Further Education. DurhamWorks participation data trends suggests that there may be demand for twenty (20) 16-24 year old unemployed young people within the North Durham (Stanley, Consett and Chester - le-Street) area of County Durham who are interested in this specific employment routeway. This does not guarantee referrals from the DurhamWorks Progression Teams in these volumes and we expect successful bidders to generate a proportion of new registrations to the DurhamWorks programme. We are therefore looking for a provider that can deliver within this geographical area. Contracts will be paid on the delivery and evidencing of pre-defined outputs and relate to starts, completions and progressions from your programme into Employment, Education or Training (EET). The proposed contract is to be let with an option to extend for a further 2 periods of up to 5 months from the actual end date or completion of achieving satisfactory targets on the programme (whichever is sooner) (i.e. extensions can run concurrently), subject to funding, performance, achieving KPI's, need and Commissioner approval. Within the extension periods there is capacity to undertake changes to some elements of the activity delivery (i.e. venue, geographical delivery, model of delivery but not content). The maximum budget for this opportunity is £20,000 per 5 month contract period (£60,000 in total should all extension periods be invoked). This project is funded under European Social Fund (ESF)
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors