
Dyfed Powys CCTV Review


Dyfed Powys CCTV ReviewReference: DPPQ/14/02BackgroundThe Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for the totality of Policing across Dyfed Powys. His strategic objectives are set out in his Police and Crime Plan. Dyfed Powys comprises of four counties, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys. Each County Council has adopted a different approach in respect of the provision and monitoring of CCTV. Additionally there has been no standardised approach to the CCTV systems adopted by other public bodies and those private businesses that are required to operate CCTV (i.e. licensed premises). This has resulted in a fragmented approach, with a myriad of different operating and recording systems. In a criminal justice context the current systems can fail to act as a deterrent (prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour) and often cannot be used as evidence in a court setting (tackling of crime).In the next few months, due to increasing financial pressures, the current CCTV systems will either cease to be monitored or will be switched off. Whilst the OPCC (and previously the Police Authority) has never been responsible for the funding of CCTV it is clear that appropriately sited cameras, as part of a wider policing and community safety strategy, can play a role in the prevention and tackling of crime and anti-social behaviour. It is equally clear that a collective and co-ordinated approach in respect of CCTV, responding to Community needs, is required and that some communities may be opposed to the introduction/continuation of CCTV in their area.Key deliverables1.Evaluation of current CCTV capability and provision across Dyfed Powys including location mapping.2.Establishing the effectiveness of CCTV in preventing or responding to crime and anti-social behaviour.3.Evaluation and recommendations in respect of alternatives to CCTV.4.Recommendations in respect of future CCTV capability and provision across Dyfed Powys. To include (but not limited to):a.A standard format in respect of both image quality and monitoring/recording systemsb.Location of cameras including options for rapidly deployable mobile systemsc.Monitoring and recording arrangementsd.Guidelines to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation: Home Office, Ministry of Justice etc.e.Cost-benefit analysis. To include options in respect of adaptation/upgrade of current systems versus purchase of new systems to include installation, maintenance, streaming and monitoring costsThis work will serve to inform a sustainable and affordable CCTV strategy for Dyfed Powys that is based on clear and sound evidence and that balances the needs of the Police and wider criminal justice system, partners and communities. The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner will be responsible for developing this overall strategy.ScopeThe review should include consultation with a number of key partners across Dyfed Powys including (but not limited to):•Dyfed Powys Police•Local Government (including Local Service Boards)•Health Boards•Further and Higher Education•Magistrates•CPS•Licensed trade bodiesThe OPCC will facilitate meetings with key personnel from the above bodies. Therefore bids do not need to include a cost for arranging such meetings.Bid EvaluationBids will be evaluated on both quality and a value for money basis.TimescalesIt is envisaged that the research will be delivered within a maximum of 3 month period from the date of award. However, we invite bidders to outline their proposed timescales for delivery within their submissions.Content of bids•Provide a succinct description of how you propose to meet the key deliverables outlined above. This should include your proposals relating to the approach you will take and how it will deliver each outcome, along with a proposed delivery schedule (five side limit)•Provide a brief outline of your background in delivering research projects and evidence of working to recognised service standards. Include a short biography of the team that will deliver the contract (one side limit)•Provide a detailed breakdown of costs against delivery of the project (preferable format is via excel spreadsheet with narrative accompaniment if necessary)Scoring criteriaOverall weighting of the evaluation process is based on quality: 60% and cost: 40%.The below criteria will form the basis against which bids will be evaluated:•Succinct and specific narrative outlining how the key objectives will be met•Clear and precise methodology•Defined and achievable timescales•Knowledge and experience of project delivery individuals/team•Value for moneySubmission processClosing date for submissions is Tuesday 13th May 2014 at 12 noon. Please send all submissions to opcc@dyfed-powys.pnn.police.ukPlease refer any questions to prior to Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 12 noon.


Published Date :

5th Apr 2017 7 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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Region :

North Region

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Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

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Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors