Dynamic Framework Agreement for the Provision of Live Well (Adults) Supported Services
The subject matter of this process relates to the delivery of services which are listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contract Regulations.r r Oxfordshire County Council are commissioning and procuring an All-Age Support and Accommodation framework model. This will initially consist of 3 frameworks which sit under a virtual front door. This design incorporates the flexibility to add new Frameworks in response to any arising needs. In order to reduce the administrative burden on Providers, the Council intends to allow them to passport between Frameworks. This will mean that where there are consistent requirements, Providers will not need to resubmit information. They will only be expected to provide information specific to that Framework and to confirm that no other relevant details of their previous submission has changed.r r The frameworks will include both group and individual support and / or accommodation according to the service type and needs of those eligible for support. The provision will reflect Oxfordshire's identified tiers of needs including;r •promote and preventr •improve and enabler •support and protectr r The first phase of this programme is the Live Well (Adults) Supported Services open Framework for provision of Supported Living Care Services for Adults, Adults with Complex Needs and Adults with Forensic Needs (16+). This Framework will be divided into three Lots:r 1. Improve and Enable. r 2. Support and Protect Complex Needsr 3. Support and Protect Forensic Supervision and Supportr r In order to be eligible to be evaluated to join the Framework under Lots 2 and 3, a provider must have successfully bid for Lot 1.r r The Council intends that all future Supported Living Services and re-procurement of existing services will be procured via this Open Framework. Providers must be enrolled onto the framework in order to receive any new referrals and deliver Supported Living packages to clients with assessed needs on behalf of the Council. Once established, the Framework will be reopened and kept open perpetually. The Council will evaluate any applications to join the Framework initially quarterly moving to six monthly (Please refer to the tender documents for full details).r r The Framework period will be ten years, anticipated to commence on Monday 3 April 2023.r r Full details are available through the Council's e-tendering portal at (ref DN645856).r
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85310000 - Social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors