Dynamic Purchasing System DPS: Project Based Consultancy (System Transformation)
SCW has a combination of skills and expertise which mean that we are very well placed to support health and care organisations and systems to address their challenges in the context of sustainability and transformation plans. In order to complement these capabilities and to enhance our capacity to provide support, SCW CSU is seeking to establish a dynamic purchasing system of suitably qualified organisations that can provide a range of System Transformation project based consultancy services, normally working as part of blended teams with SCW staff and associates, delivering services to our customers. Along with proven technical expertise, it is vital that potential partners understand the health and care environment that we operate in. This should include an excellent understanding of the wider direction of travel for health and care in the context of the national agenda and local drivers such as sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). In order to meet the requirements of our customers, SCW are seeking to appoint organisations to the DPS that have capability in some or all of the areas below: • Delivering Improvement and Efficiency (e.g. system design, behaviour change, pathway design, Financial /activity analysis, modelling & assurance, financial sustainability and turnaround) • Health and Care Strategic Planning (e.g. Health and Care strategy and planning, horizon scanning, research, evidence, clinical effectiveness and insight) • Business change implementation (e.g. portfolio/programme/project management and associated support, evaluation) • Business change management (e.g. business analysis, benefits management, organisational design and development) • Primary Care Transformation (e.g. at scale provision, sustainability & resilience programmes) • Organisational Development, Behavioural Change & System Leadership (inc. workforce modelling, design, planning & change management) • Organisational Design, System Governance & Frameworks (e.g. ACO, ACS, primary care provider organisations, MCPs & PACs, Strategic Commissioning)
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors