EAFRD Tourism Cooperation
Background The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) is applying to Coast to Capital (C2C) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in respect of a call for projects for Tourism Cooperation, see: The key deliverables for this measure are: a Destination Management Partnership; a Destination Management Plan; and ‘developing the supply chain through cooperative activity’. The SDNPA’s outline application was successful and we are now preparing a full application for a deadline of 15th July 2016. As part of this process we are seeking tenders for project delivery. Contract award will be dependent on the success of the full application for grant funding by SDNPA The Project – ‘Up the Downs’ This project promotes sustainable tourism by exploiting the South Downs brand through a partnership of transport operators, accommodation providers, hospitality businesses, rural communities, opt-in Local Authorities and the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). This will involve creating a Destination Management Partnership which will, in turn, develop a Destination Management Plan to develop a hubs & gateways methodology with four key outputs: •A pop-up information point; •Operator/ambassador training; •An example car-free itinerary; and a •Marketing campaign built around the SDNPA's shared identity toolkit.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors